Mar 7, 2018
Castle Triathlon Series: The Bastion, Hever Castle
On 9th July 2017 Mark Birrell, in a moment of madness, thought it would be a good idea to tackle the Bastion Triathlon at Hever castle....

Feb 13, 2018
The Virgin 140.6 Ironman Diaries: Leigh's journey to becoming an Ironman in Austria
While enjoying a Turkish meal in the Avtepe restaurant in Upminster, sitting enjoying my second beer and watching the sun go down on a...

Oct 24, 2017
The Virgin 70.3 Diaries: Debbie's account of her first Middle Distance Triathlon at Holkham Hall
For those of you not in the know, a Middle Distance Triathlon involves a total of 70.3 miles under your own steam... a 1.2 mile open...

Oct 11, 2017
The Virgin 70.3 Diaries: The story of Russell's journey to his 1st Middle Distance Triathlon
On 2nd July 2017 Outlaw Triathlon and OSB Events, popular with many of our Club members, set up camp at Holkham Hall in Norfolk. Russell...

Sep 19, 2017
Sean's Sundried Sprint in Southend
A sunny and warm Sunday 28th May 2017 and the scene is set for the inaugural Southend Sprint Triathlon: Competitors and Supporters...

Mar 31, 2017
Ironman 70.3 Dubai - Pt II
Our last members' blog was in our usual Q&A format and discussed the experiences of 3 of our members who had raced in Ironman 70.3 Dubai....

Nov 27, 2016
My first triathlon
Earlier this year, Havering Tri member, Paul Smailes completed his first ever triathlon - no mean achievement given his fear of water -...

Aug 18, 2016
Castle Howard 2016
I've always loved the Castle Series, the organisation is second to none and the support and stunning locations make the whole experience...

Aug 5, 2016
Cotswold 113
In hindsight pre-race preparation went off without a hitch aside from arriving late at the hotel late and finding out our room doubled up...

Jul 3, 2016
Ironman Staffordshire 70.3
Going through the process of signing up for events is relatively simple – foolishly, there is little thought given to the actual event...