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Meet the team: Moji Banjo

Name: Moji Banjo

Club Position: Women’s Club Captain

How did you get into the sport / join Havering Tri?

I started training before covid. I moved back to Essex after covid and joined HTC to try and push myself physically.

What’s the best thing about being a member of HTC: How helpful, knowledgeable and kind the members are.

Most memorable race you have competed in? 

My half marathon in Southampton as it marked the end of my masters degree.

Your most embarrassing or funniest moment triathlon related? 

I find outdoor swimming terrifying and during my first time outdoor swim session this year I lost my swimming socks in the water.

What’s the best advice that you would give to a new member of HTC?

Just get involved and get out of your comfort zone. Everyone was a beginner at one point

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